Part II:


In a world filled with notifications, texts and emails, we find it is essential to celebrate and protect those opportunities where these can be silenced (or deferred) so that we can reflect without distraction. We find this condition most suitable to good thinking.

This is surely a challenge for many if not most of us; and yet, we know deeply that we cannot deliver our promise of first-rate performance, thoughtful strategic advice and the highest level of service to clients without the proper time and space to think.

Curating “time to think” has become more and more a part of our DNA. You will read about our morning meeting, when the entire firm gathers for a half-hour four days a week — a practice in place since our independence in 1998. It is critical to nurturing our partnership culture, and it is a great time to think. “Think Week,” Navigating Our World (NOW) and a focus on artificial intelligence are other examples of our intentionality around creating time and space to think in a constructive and undistracted way.

Our summer intern program, our colleague engagement survey, our hiring and certain changes to leadership are helping to expand our perspective, a crucial ingredient and requirement for good thinking.

Compounds thinking   

 Good thinking starts early in the day. Four days a week, the entire firm gathers to listen to our investment teams discuss topics that are influencing their investment thinking —— from macro issues, such as asset allocation and consumer trends, to deep dives into private investment opportunities, to insights from engaging with company management teams.

We generally start each meeting by asking the morning’s speakers, “What’s on your mind?” These meetings bring us together physically —— each office gathers in person, and we are all connected via video —— and keep us accountable to each other.

The morning meeting is a crucial part of our DNA. Importantly, we include all colleagues, not just investment team members. We are an investment firm, first and foremost; as equity owners, all colleagues have a vested interest in our investment thinking. Moreover, the morning meeting is an essential time for us to connect —— physically, intellectually and emotionally —— and is another spoke in the Brown Advisory teamwork flywheel.



 Our morning meeting mindset underpins thoughtful investing and is a foundational part of our culture. We all come together to learn, to share and to expand our collective knowledge. The morning meeting spurs questions, debates and connectedness. While it is most definitely a significant investment to bring the whole firm together four mornings a week, we believe the learning dividends continue to compound.

PORTER SCHUTT, Head of Delaware Office and Portfolio Manager

Maximizes thinking   

In the same way that we appreciate the power of compounding for our financial investments, we believe in the compounding value of investing in time to think as a tool to produce better outcomes for clients. One example of this is Think Week. Devised and organized by Mick Dillon and Bertie Thomson, this is a special week——one where emails, meetings and online activity are almost entirely off-limits. Members of our research team choose to delve deeply into one or two topics, read books and other materials related to the topics, then share their learnings with the broader team with the aim of raising our collective understanding. Last year, topics included innovation and creativity, network effects, business processes and lean manufacturing, the auto industry, China, the writings of legendary investors, and maintaining peak performance over the long term.

 One of the most impactful books I read during last year’s Think Week was music producer Rick Rubin’s ‘The Creative Act: A Way of Being.’ Creativity is an overlooked quality in investing. Seeing the world afresh, through the beginner’s mind, is as important for analyzing companies and constructing portfolios as it is for producing music or painting.

Rubin describes creativity as a ‘devotional practice.’ I can’t help thinking that the same sentiment applies to investing. The investment weather can create headwinds as well as tailwinds. Our job is to adhere to our practice and process. In our Global Leaders and Global Focus strategies, we focus on marginal gains: dogged improvements that look like quantum leaps over time. This is the power of compounding —— which applies not only to the companies in which we invest but also to our working practices. We can always get better.



Broaden Thinking   

While we have the great fortune of working with many colleagues who have been with the firm for 15 and 20 years or more, our growth has enabled an influx of impactful team members. We have deliberately sought out accomplished professionals whose diverse experiences and varied backgrounds provide new ideas and perspectives, and we have invested a great deal of time and energy in our summer analyst program to recruit new talent.


 I’ve had the privilege of working for institutions and family offices that pioneered impact and sustainable investing. Joining Brown Advisory in March 2024, I am thrilled to be able to build on the firm’s track record in sustainable investing and to help our clients —— including the next generation —— articulate their values, develop aligned multi-asset investment strategies and achieve notable financial returns.

ELIZA ERIKSON, Head of Impact Investing & Advice

 Brown Advisory offers me the opportunity to continue to do the work I love —— advising and investing assets for my clients —— while helping to build the firm’s growing presence in the Bay Area. It was exciting to join the firm in March 2024 and now to be part of an unusually collaborative team where we are all focused on creating the best outcomes for our clients.

LISI BAILLIERE DEAN, Portfolio Manager


Our summer analyst program may epitomize the firm’s focus on fresh perspectives. For 10 weeks over the summer, we welcome a cohort of rising college seniors across our offices. The competitive program is designed to provide analysts the opportunity to gain exposure to all sides of our investment business, including the service and infrastructure needed to accomplish our clients’ goals.

The entrepreneurial, self-directed and project-based nature of the program helps us cultivate students who would thrive at Brown Advisory. While we hope the analysts learn a lot about the business and our firm during the summer, we think the most valuable aspect of the program is what we learn from them. Sharing ideas with intellectually curious students, collaborating on client projects, connecting over a meal —— the fresh points of view that our summer analysts offer cause us to think in new ways.

Summer Analyst Leadership Team:
FRANK GODFREY III, ISG Research Analyst (2019 summer analyst); MOLLY MILLER, Senior Investment Compliance Analyst; AUSTIN G. VILLALOBOS, FRM, Investment Compliance Team Lead; CHRISTOPHER DEMALLIE, Private Client Relationship Associate (2020 summer analyst).


Drives thinking   

Elevating leaders from within is a hallmark of Brown Advisory.

Last year, we were thrilled to announce three new co-heads of Baltimore Private Client —— all former summer analysts: Victor Abiamiri, Blake Sheehan and James Stierhoff. In Washington, D.C., Dan Glading assumed responsibility as office head.

Head of Washington, D.C. Office; Portfolio Manager

Co-Heads of Baltimore Private Client; Portfolio Managers.

In their roles as portfolio managers, leading teams that endeavor to deliver the highest level of performance, advice and service to families and foundations, Victor, Blake, James and Dan are each keen investors, careful listeners and thoughtful partners. Now, they can bring to bear those attributes for the benefit of a broader group of the firm’s clients and colleagues.


To expand thinking   

Our investment in CrossBoundary, with its expertise in investing in underserved markets globally, is about gaining a deeper understanding of complex and often nascent frontier markets. CrossBoundary operates out of 24 offices on five continents with more than 200 professionals —— who share offices with us in London and Washington, D.C.

Last year, CrossBoundary launched Dhow Ventures to provide capital to high-growth startups in emerging markets. These markets are often characterized by vibrant youth populations, rapid mobile device adoption and early digital transformation. One of Dhow Ventures’ portfolio companies that is capitalizing on these trends is Colombia-based foodology. Now the subject of a Harvard Business School case study, the food tech startup was founded by Daniela Izquierdo and Juan Guillermo Azuero when they were classmates at HBS.


Expand thinking   

We hosted Navigating Our World (NOW) in San Francisco in June and are planning NOW Austin for November. The purpose of NOW is to come together with our clients and friends to take time to think. By engaging with outside experts about the pressing issues that are shaping our world, we strive to gain a deeper understanding of the context in which we are investing, living, raising our families and contributing to our communities.

JAMES HARDING, Editor and Founder, Tortoise Media, ELIZABETH ECONOMY, PH.D., Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, ANDY BROWNE China Hub Director, Brunswick Group

SUZANNE DIBIANCA, EVP and Chief Impact Officer, Salesforce, MICHAEL D. SMITH, CEO, AmeriCorps.

BEN BAYAT, Managing Partner, NextGen Venture Partners, CHRIS MILLER, PH.D., Author, “Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology”.

Navigating Our World (NOW) San Francisco, June 2024.

KELLIE ZESCH WEIR, CFA, Head of Austin Office; Portfolio Manager, CHARLIE VAN STRAUBENZEE, Head of European Institutional Sales.

We have long believed in the value of hosting events as an effective “time to think.” To do this well, we try to bring together thought leaders —— clients, community leaders and members of our broader network —— to learn, share diverse perspectives and make connections. Our colleague Brett Gibson calls this kind of convening “expanding the surface area of serendipity.” Inevitably, these events produce interesting insights and rewarding connections for attendees, often in ways that we could not have predicted.

For example, in our Washington, D.C. office, we launched a series called “What’s Next: Conversations about the District’s Future” —— where we bring together thought leaders across disciplines who are making a difference in D.C.

In London, we hosted speaker events with Rory Stewart (author, professor, humanitarian, U.K. minister, member of Parliament and British diplomat), Christina Lamb (chief foreign correspondent for The Sunday Times) and Daniel Doll-Steinberg (author of “Unsupervised: Navigating and Influencing a World Controlled by Powerful New Technologies”).

BRETT GIBSON, COO of U.S. Private Client, Endowments and Foundations Business, interviewed Kate Goodall, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Halcyon Venture Partners, to kick off “What’s Next: Conversations about the District’s Future.”

Deepens thinking   

“Lunch and Learns” and speaker events are mainstays at Brown Advisory —— we believe dedicating this time to think makes us more effective professionals and better contributors to our communities.

To commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, TOM GEDDES, Head of Family Office, moderated a discussion with Martin Luther King III, Professor of Practice, University of Virginia Center for Politics, and President, Drum Major Institute, and Arndrea Waters King, President, Drum Major Institute.

ANDREW BLAIR, Head of U.K. Private Clients and Charities Business Development, moderated a fireside chat with Christina Lamb, OBE, renowned foreign correspondent and author.


CIO for Private Investments JACOB HODES, introduced David Rubenstein to a full house of fans. As the new Principal Owner of the Baltimore Orioles, Mr. Rubenstein shared his plans for the team and for the city.

During our Baltimore Breakfast Series, we bring together thought leaders from various disciplines who are making a difference in Baltimore and across our broader community. Here, we brought together three community partners who are driving the inspiring revitalization and redevelopment taking place in East Baltimore: Regina Hammond, Founder and Executive Director, Rebuild Johnston Square Neighborhood Organization, Bishop Donté Hickman, Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, and Amber Wendland, Associate Principal, Ayers Saint Gross.


Gratitude Celebrates Thinking

"Since September 1997, Dave has been my right arm and my left arm. He has done whatever our colleagues and I have asked him to do, from building the initial infrastructure of the firm when we went private in 1998 to figuring out how to finance and structure every single strategic initiative that we have launched, every combination that we have undertaken and every office we have opened." - Mike Hankin


As Dave Churchill moves from Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer to a new phase of his career with Brown Advisory, we honor his exceptional contributions.

Not only has Dave been an essential force behind every aspect of Brown Advisory, but he has also devoted himself to lifting up our community —— through leadership, charitable giving and hands-on, direct service to people in need. He has traveled to disaster zones after extreme weather events to rescue and provide respite to local residents. He has been an integral member of First Fruits Farm, which has grown and harvested millions of pounds of fresh produce and distributed it to children and adults struggling with food insecurity. He was also a long-time board member at the National Aquarium.

Our firm and our community are so much better because of Dave.

Ignites thinking   

We are excited to name Shannon Pierce as Brown Advisory’s new Chief Financial Officer —— the second CFO in our firm’s history. Shannon’s 20-year career at the firm, most recently as Controller, positions her well to take on responsibility for our financial stewardship. During her tenure, Shannon has demonstrated leadership of varied functions and teams; deep accounting, financial analysis and strategic planning expertise; and strong emotional intelligence —— she is an expert in all things Brown Advisory and an important culture carrier. Among Shannon’s many contributions to the firm, she pioneered the use of “thinking time” across her teams. We are confident that Shannon will help us meet the needs of our clients, colleagues and communities today and in the future.


 We balance our conservative approach to managing the balance sheet with an intense focus on innovating and evolving to support our clients, colleagues and communities. The former enables us to invest in the latter.

SHANNON PIERCE, Chief Financial Officer

In mid-2023, we promoted Brien White to Chief Operating Officer of the firm. Brien’s experience has prepared him well to fill the very large shoes that were worn by Dave Churchill.


 I’m a huge believer in the ability of the firm to take young people and build them into successful investors, strategic advisors and client service professionals.

BRIEN WHITE, Chief Operating Officer

Since joining the firm in 2010, Brien has evolved from Portfolio Manager and Head of our Carolinas Office, to Head of the Washington, D.C. Office, to Head of the Southeast Region and, most recently, to COO of the Private Client, Endowments and Foundations business. With his unflappable leadership style, Brien combines his background as a skilled investor with a deep commitment to the firm’s clients, profound care for our colleagues and a bias for efficient execution. We believe our clients and our colleagues are in good hands under Brien’s leadership.


Protects thinking   

No function at the firm better exemplifies the care we take for each other than our information security team. Their mandate is to keep our clients’ and colleagues’ data safe. Full stop.

Led by Gus de los Reyes in our Boston office and Joshua Morehouse in our London office, the cybersecurity team is on continuous alert to ensure protection of the firm, client information and client accounts —— working closely with our cybersecurity partners, our peers and law enforcement. Our security team works to continually assess the threat landscape, remove vulnerabilities and deploy tools to protect against attackers.


The firm is certified to the internationally recognized ISO 27001 security standard. We actively participate in the security community to stay abreast of the latest developments and share best practices as part of our commitment to keep our clients’ and colleagues’ data safe. In 2023, the firm implemented 30 information security projects, with more than 35 planned for 2024.

MARTIN OUIMET, Director of Business Data and Analytics; BRIAN COBB, Chief Technology Officer

“We view AI as an investment in our colleagues’ productivity,” notes Brian Cobb, Chief Technology Officer. “We are developing bespoke models to solve specific use cases; and, in some situations, we are using an existing model and augmenting it with our data.”

Enhances thinking   

In the same way that we continually search for new tools to help us analyze an investment more effectively, we must also find opportunities to enhance our ability to think.

Artificial intelligence is certainly the opportunity of the moment. We do not believe that AI will replace thinking. It can, however, help us think and work more effectively and efficiently. By automating and simplifying certain tasks, AI will give time back to colleagues to think, to analyze and to generate deeper investment insights.


Today, our security teams are building an AI tool designed to detect and minimize fraud and cyber risk. Our institutional and tech teams collaborated to develop an AI language model that aggregates primary research data and reports —— this turns research analysts’ time spent searching for and aggregating data into much higher-value thinking time.

Another reflection of the importance of AI to our work is our recent hire of Martin Ouimet as Director of Business Data and Analytics. As a senior business leader, Martin is responsible for identifying and driving initiatives that deliver client value through the adoption of AI. Reports Martin: “It’s exciting to see how we can deploy technology, and AI in particular, to push the boundaries of how we work and the value we provide to clients.”

Our clients expect high-impact thinking from us. AI tools enhance the firm’s ability to do that.

Powers thinking   

Our purpose, to raise the future, extends to the communities where we live and work —— providing nonprofit leadership, volunteer service, charitable giving, climate stewardship and support for local, mission-driven businesses. 

You will often hear colleagues share that our community focus attracted them to Brown Advisory. Indeed, demonstrated leadership in the community is one of the criteria for promotion to Principal and Partner. Across our offices, you will find colleagues contributing financially, intellectually and through hands-on partnership to local organizations of their choice —— all of which are encouraged and supported by the firm.

Harnesses thinking

Community engagement has always been a fundamental part of Olachi Opara’s life. In addition to serving as a client advisor for Brown Advisory, she has served in leadership positions with One Love Foundation, Maryland SPCA, Invest in Girls, Signal 13 and the Diverse Investment Management Engagement (DIME) program.

Last year, Olachi’s professional and community leadership was recognized on a global scale. She earned the prestigious 40 Under 40 Award in the Wealth Management category from Black Women in Asset Management (BWAM), a U.K.- based global organization, recognizing women who “represent the epitome of excellence, leadership and the spirit of change in asset management.”

Client Advisor

Compounds thinking   

Baltimore’s Healthy Harbor Initiative is an example of how persistence, teamwork and collaboration can create real results over time. After 15 years of work with businesses, nonprofits and government organizations, more than 150 people jumped into the Baltimore Inner Harbor on June 23, 2024, as part of the inaugural Harbor Splash.


Time was needed to make sure that the region’s infrastructure was improved to better handle stormwater and sewage. Time was needed to track and analyze an enormous amount of data, which directed resources and effort to the highest points of need. Time was needed to raise awareness, with a special thanks to Mr. Trash Wheel ( and his relatives for increasing the public’s attention on the Harbor.

We were proud to be a thinking partner from the beginning, and we are grateful for the leaders in our community who drove accountability and results.

In 2023, Brown Advisory contributed more than $2.5 million to a range of nonprofits and charities.

Our focus is supporting local organizations that are important to our clients and colleagues, in addition to our strategic giving areas: community impact, health care, education and the environment.

Likewise, Brown Advisory colleagues are thoughtful and passionate about making a difference for people and places in need. Our 900+ colleagues —— in communities around the world, of all shapes and sizes —— provide their time and financial support to hundreds of deserving organizations. Many serve on and lead boards. It’s no secret that the DNA that motivates colleagues to go above and beyond for their clients also motivates them to lead in their communities. These are the common actions of empathetic, humble and high-integrity people.