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Cassandra is a relationship advisor with Brown Advisory's Endowments and Foundations team. Before joining the firm, Cassandra served as the Director of Programs at the Baltimore Civic Fund, a mayoral fund and fiscal sponsor for Baltimore City that connects public/private opportunities to benefit residents. Prior to that, for more than a decade Cassandra managed strategic planning, fund development, and communications for nonprofits in Baltimore and Hartford, Connecticut that increased access and opportunity for youth and adults.


  • University of Connecticut, MPA and Graduate Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Management
  • University of Connecticut, BA

Community Involvement

  • Board Member, Baltimore Community ToolBank
  • Board Member, Maryland Book Bank
  • Advisory Board Member, From: Baltimore, a program of Break a Difference
  • GIVE Fellow 2019, Business Volunteers Maryland

Please be alert to impersonation fraud.

Bad actors are impersonating our colleagues, and people across the financial services industry, on WhatsApp and other messaging platforms. We do not solicit business through these means. 

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