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Our shared passion and beliefs translate to our clients’ success.


Putting clients first, always

This principle pervades everything we do. We are fortunate to be in a position to amplify the work, effort and impact of individuals, families and institutions who are making a difference in the world.


The importance of our people

We invest in individuals who embody our mission, purpose and values with humility. These colleagues perpetuate our culture by directing their focus, energy and skill for the benefit of our clients.


The importance of investment results

As investors, first and foremost, we know that achieving compelling investment results is paramount to our success.


Being disruptive and innovative

As a private firm, our long-term investment horizon allows our colleagues to explore new ideas and take certain risks. This entrepreneurial spirit is the foundation for building new performance, advice and service capabilities for clients.


Protecting our equity structure

We award equity to all colleagues to make sure that our ownership structure is inclusive and balanced. This “partnership” philosophy underlies our shared sense of purpose and the alignment of our interests with those of our clients.


Embracing outside views

A key ingredient in making sound decisions for our clients is to surround ourselves with a network of intelligent, experienced and diverse people. For us this includes, but is not limited to, directors, outside shareholders, clients, other investors and industry leaders across the globe.


The importance of growth and reinvestment

We seek to grow steadily over time so that we can develop resources to better serve clients. This includes meaningful reinvestment activity to expand our range of advice and service capabilities, strengthen our investment research teams and improve technology resources.


Celebrating diversity and inclusion

Beyond just being the right thing to do, we know that a diverse team—with different backgrounds, world views and perspectives—operating in an inclusive environment will create more meaningful outcomes for clients. This commitment should not only be reflected in the diversity of our colleagues but also in those recognized as Principal and Partner. Further, having a constructive attitude toward progress, an open mind and an open heart are factors that are held in focus when candidates are considered for Principal and Partner.


Open and honest communication

Our flat organizational structure makes it particularly important for us all to communicate effectively. At the heart of effective communication are honesty, openness and a willingness to challenge each other with positive intent.


Learning and curiosity

Colleagues who are always in learning mode tend to have two important traits that translate to client success—humility and an adept ability to listen. In celebrating our collective curiosity, we recognize that we do not always have the "right" answers and that we must continue to search for new and more effective solutions.


Working as a team

We believe that decisions are best made with input from a group and in the light of each other’s scrutiny, instead of alone and in the dark.


The performance and impact value of sustainable investing

When it comes to maximizing the risk-adjusted total return of an investment portfolio and making meaningful progress toward one’s mission—clients can have it both ways.

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